frc News

It’s One Thing to Have the Tools…frc environmental’s Commitment to Ongoing Skills Development

As the science of ecology matures, details become increasingly important.  For example, in the field of reef ecology, we now know of numerous diseases of coral, some with distinct appearances, often characterised by colour and fine detail.  The accurate recording of what a diver observes is consequently increasingly important. The equipment we use has also improved dramatically.  We currently use Sony’s A7r digital cameras underwater – they offer a wopping 42 MP resolution.  But to get the best results requires ongoing skills development. In November, frc’s John Thorogood and Carol Conacher attended a 2 day workshop with world renown underwater…


New Bill for underground water management has implications for approval timelines

This week the Queensland Environment Minister, Dr Steven Miles, tabled the Environmental Protection (Underground Water Management) and Other Legislation Bill 2016, stating that this ‘will mean a rigorous scientific assessment of the impact of mining projects on groundwater would be required before an environmental approval is issued for new mining projects’. In frc environmental’s recent experience, EHP may require a comprehensive stygofauna survey, as per the Guideline for the Environmental Assessment of Subterranean Aquatic Fauna, before it is considered that the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for a mining project complies with Section 203 of the Environmental Protection Act 1994. In…


Merry Christmas from frc


Queensland Urban Utilities Turtle Salvage

We just love working with clients for whom environmental responsibility is not simply a slogan. Queensland Urban Utilities recently demonstrated their commitment to environmental responsibility when they contracted frc environmental to relocate freshwater turtles from sewage treatment ponds at Laidley, Forest Hill and Boonah. Using our custom-built fyke nets and turtle traps, frc environmental’s salvage team led by Ms Lauren Pratt and Dr Bob Bentley, relocated over 800 turtles representing four species to the Bremer River. QUU supported a salvage effort dictated by the ‘real-time’ analysis of CPU (catch per unit of effort), ensuring the exercise was far more than…


Congratulations to Urbex on winning the QLD UDIA award for environmental excellence – on to the Nationals


Swimming with Whales

I’m just back from a project in Tonga, studying the whale tourism industry. The thing about ‘swimming with whales’ is you’re not simply swimming in the same ocean as the whales, you’re swimming with the whales. It’s very clearly a two-way interaction. The Tongan government rightly regulates the industry to manage the impact of tourism on the whales (much as Australian governments do): swimmers may not approach within 5m of a whale. But there are no such restrictions on the whales’ behaviour. Thirty five tonne, 17m long whales commonly approach and even gently nudge swimmers. When a mother brings her…